About Us > Committees
OPFA has established committees, task teams and working groups to ensure the maintenance of a high standard of professional practice by members of the Association, to protect the public interest and to satisfy the requirements of the Professional Foresters Act, 2000. The Statutory Committees as defined in legislation are:
- Executive Committee
- Registration Committee
- Complaints Committee
- Discipline Committee
Standing Committees are optional and report to Council. Council appoints a Chair who has the authority to add members. The Standing Committees are:
- Finance Committee
- Nominations Committee
- Registration Appeal Committee
The following groups report to the Executive Director and help the OPFA achieve the objectives of the OPFA’s strategic plan:
- Annual Conference Working Group
- Professional Networking Task Team
- Social Media Working Group
- Editorial Board
All Committees and Working Groups function through the volunteer efforts of OPFA members.
A brief outline of the statutory committees follows. Please contact OPFA office for a current list of members on any committee.
The Committee performs the functions of Council as delegated to it by Council, and as specified in the Act, Regulations and By-laws of the Association. This Committee may exercise the powers of Council with respect to matters that require immediate attention save changes to By-Laws or standards adopted in the Regulations and By-laws of the Association.
Chair: Peter Nitschke, R.P.F. (President)
Council Members: Lacey Rose, R.P.F. (Vice President); Chris McDonell, R.P.F.(Past President), Malcolm Cockwell, R.P.F. (Elected Councillor)
Public Councillor: David Goldsmith
The Committee will ensure the continuance of a high standard of membership in the Association and will ensure the fairness and equality of admission decisions by:
- reviewing applications;
- applying admission qualification criteria;
- instructing the Registrar to issue licences to practise;
- imposing conditions and limitations on licenses where appropriate;
- identifying candidate deficiencies for potential members;
- reconsideration of admission appeals;
- establishing and implementing an examination process for non-university or non-forestry graduate applicants; and
- setting and overseeing examinations
Chair: Christine Leduc, R.P.F.
Members: Ulf Runesson, R.P.F.; Jim McCready, R.P.F.; Frank Knaapen, R.P.F. (Ret.), Andree Morneault, R.P.F., Donna Lacey, Associate R.P.F., Krish Homagain, R.P.F., Natasha Machado, R.P.F.
Council Member: Wendy LeClair, R.P.F.
Public Councillor: Sally Krigstin
The committee will ensure the maintenance of a high standard of professional practice by members of the Association and protect the public interest by:
- investigating complaints of misconduct, unskilled practice or incapacity against members and former members of
- the Association, received from within or outside the Association;
- referring cases investigated to the Discipline Committee for disciplinary or remedial action; and
- referring cases investigated to the Registrar for action.
Chair: Dave Puttock, R.P.F.
Members: Peter Nitschke, R.P.F., Jeff Barton, R.P.F., Allan Foley, R.P.F., Gordon King, R.P.F., Chris McDonell, R.P.F., Donna Lacey, Associate R.P.F., Natasha Machado, R.P.F.
Council Member: Brandon Williamson, Associate R.P.F.
Public Councillors: Douglas Reynolds
The Committee will ensure the maintenance of a high standard of professional practice by members of the Association and protect the public interest by:
- hearing, considering and deciding on matters requiring disciplinary action against members and former members of the Association;
- imposing penalties where deemed appropriate;
- directing the Registrar to implement actions/penalties; and
- hearing and deciding appeals against penalties and on applications for reinstatement of licensed privileges.
Chair: Tim Lehman, R.P.F.
Members: George Graham, R.P.F., Arben Pustina, R.P.F.
Council Member: Malcolm Cockwell, R.P.F.
Public Councillors: Douglas Reynolds, Janice Tiedje