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Application Process & Forms   >   How To Apply: Graduates of CFAB Accredited Programs

How To Apply: Graduates of CFAB Accredited Programs

University programs that have been accredited by the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB) have undergone an evaluation by the board and have been found to meet all of the competencies listed in the Certification Standards for the profession of forestry in Canada. To find out more about the accreditation process including a list of CFAB accredited programs, please visit the Forest Professional Regulators of Canada (FPRC) CFAB Accreditation web page.

Graduates of university programs that are accredited by the CFAB have met all of the competencies listed in the Certification Standards for the profession of forestry in Canada by successfully completing the accredited program, and are not required to undergo the Credential Assessment Process (CAP) to work towards Full Membership (R.P.F.).

Please refer to this step-by-step guide for a summary of the entire registration process for graduates of CFAB accredited programs, from applying for Provisional Membership (R.P.F. in Training) to becoming a Full Member (R.P.F.) .

Applicants must be able to legally work in Canada and plan to work in professional forestry in Ontario.

Forms & Instructional Documents

To apply:

Please submit the following to the OPFA Registration Coordinator at

  • Provisional Application Form
  • A line numbered CV/resumé (work experience in YYYY/MM/DD format)
  • Pay the Application Fee – can be paid using the following methods:
    • e-transfer to (please provide your name and type of fee in the message section)
    • call the office to pay by Visa or Mastercard
    • mail a cheque or money order payable to Ontario Professional Foresters Association to the OPFA office
    • Pay the fee online in the Special Payments section.

When received, this application material will be considered by the Registration Committee at their next regularly scheduled meeting. You can find a list of upcoming Registration Committee meeting dates and the deadline to submit materials for them here. You will receive formal written notification within 2 weeks of the meeting date.

After approval as a Provisional Member (R.P.F. in Training):

Provisional Members are also required to update their Progress Report Table every February and August to show how they are working towards meeting the registration requirements. This is an individual online report; the link will be provided to you.

If it has been over 5 years since you graduated from the CFAB accredited program, or the program was in a province outside of Ontario, please refer to the Ontario Forest Policy & Legislative Framework Requirement Policy  for information on which of the 4 modules of the Ontario Forest Policy & Legislative Framework Bridge Training you will be required to successfully complete. These are online self-paced modules which can be started at any point in the registration process. You can register for the modules here (the last 4 on the list).

After the experience requirement has been met:

The following documents will be required to be submitted when the 18 months of relevant mentored experience requirement has been met. The Criteria for Relevant Experience describes eligible experience, as well as how to request credit for eligible experience that you already have, including experience credit for graduate degrees. Please note that a minimum of 6 months of the 18 months experience must be attained after graduation from the CFAB accredited program.

When received, this application material will be considered by the Registration Committee at their next regularly scheduled meeting. You can find a list of upcoming Registration Committee meeting dates and the deadline to submit materials for them here. You will receive formal written notification within 2 weeks of the meeting date.

Please contact the Registration Coordinator at with any questions.